Do you believe that it is true that we are made in God's image? If this is true, then there must be a female side to God. We aren't all men, after all. I've been pondering and -on some preprogrammed level- rejecting this idea because I was raised to believe that God is male.
How many little boys have been handed God in a box where He is mostly our football buddy and our fellow weekend warrior, a fellow guy to identify with and thus who understands us more than our loving but quaint wives ever could? Do we and God leave the family cave together emotionally, spears in hand, to go and kill the food and drag it back home to feed the wife and kids while God and us reminisce about man stuff?
How many little girls have been handed God in a box where He is mostly their body guard or the masculine Brut and Old Spice father, not someone to talk with so much as someone to talk to? Hugs and kisses to a point, even butterfly kisses at night, but not the nurturing bond of two soft and tender souls?
Are you willing to take God out of the box and know all of Him? Are you willing to share the one True consistent God with all of your children, regardless of their gender? Or will you first choose a box.
- Renaissance Man
- I am a child of God, beloved husband, father, son, brother, friend, colleague, acquaintance.
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To think about:
So the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. Will we be extremists for fear and hate or for Love? Will we be extremists for the perpetuation of injustice or for the propagation of Justice?
- prologue (1)
- Wordless Wednesday (6)
I am so thankful that you are the earthly father of our children and that together we are introducing our children to their Abba Daddy, their First Daddy!
May many others come to TRULY know him through our families lives/journey.
I love and appreciate you and am thankful we are on Lifes Journey together FOREVER.
Your wife, and Abba Daddy's little girl.