here is a reminder that among all the political and economic decisions that are in front of us, the most important decision in our lives is whether to live by hope or by Faith...

"There are two kinds of people: Those who believe their lives are determined by forces outside themselves, and those who believe that their lives are determined by a Divine Force inside themselves. The first live by hope and are swayed by the winds of change; the second live by Faith, knowing that no matter what happens, they are always alright."

Our beloved America -and planet earth on a whole- is an airport, nothing more and nothing less. Many of us are getting so caught up in who we want to run the airport that we are losing sight of our eternal destination. Yes, the airport experience is important, but not important enough for us to segregate ourselves by political-party affiliations and skin colour; nothing in Life requires that, only our own insecure fears.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Well said.
    Debbie@Like a Rose said...
    Very well said!! No matter who win's God is the only one in control.

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