What to Ask For

A man walks into a restaurant with a large ostrich and sits down at a table to have breakfast. The man orders a stack of pancakes, and the ostrich orders the same. The bill comes to $15.95. The man reaches into his pocket and empties all his bills and change, which equals exactly $15.95 plus a 15% tip.

The following week the man returns to the restaurant with the ostrich and the same waitress comes to his table. This time he orders bacon and eggs, and so does the ostrich. The bill comes to $19.50. He reaches into his pocket and takes out exactly $19.50 plus a 15% tip.

A week later he comes in again with the ostrich. They both have the same meal. The same waitress presents a check for $18.75. The man empties his pockets and reveals exactly that amount plus the appropriate tip.

By this time the waitress is quite curious. "I am astounded, sir, that you take this ostrich to breakfast every week, and that you always have the exact amount of money," she explains. "How do you do that?"

"It’s an amazing story," he answers. "Several years ago I was cleaning my basement and I found an old bottle. When I opened it, a genie emerged. He told me I could have two wishes. My first wish was to always have enough money to buy anything I wanted. Now, wherever I go, I simply reach into my pocket and the exact amount of money is there. I buy all my meals this way; I have also bought a car, house, and vacations and no matter how much anything costs, I have the exact amount in my wallet or checkbook."

"That’s astonishing!" replies the waitress. "And what was your second wish?"
"To marry a chick with long legs."

This story teaches a profound Truth: Be conscious of what you are asking for. You can Pray for something specific and get it. Or you can pray for a quality of Life, and get that. Praying for specifics is risky, for you are dictating a form. Praying for essence guarantees reward, for you are seeking an experience.

Emerson noted that...
"A wise man in a storm prays not for the end of the storm, but for the end of fear."

Get clear on where you want to go, and let God fill in the blanks about how to get there.


  1. Virginia Revoir said...
    Hee hee, that is funny!

    Your wife invited me to visit this site. I will come back to read more soon. :)
    Anonymous said...
    Ha! Ha! We know you didn't ask for long legs.

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