14-year old Ben Underwood is a master of many things - rollerblading down the street, video games, and pillow fighting. No big deal, right? Actually, it is a big deal -- Ben is blind. Physically, since birth. Yet he has developed a kind of sonar that tells him where objects are -- and he doesn't miss.

You will be astounded at this amazing video, showing Ben doing all the things that eye-sighted children can do - and better (like beating his friends on video games).

While scientists have their theories about Ben's extraordinary sonar capacities, I have mine. God tells us that real sight is not of the eyes, which is why He looks at our hearts. It is interesting what Ben sees when he looks at people; he doesn't see the tint of our skin or the face of our 'race'. But I'll let him share that with you himself.



  1. Anonymous said...
    Thank you! I really needed this today.

    May God Bless You According to His Will.
    Anonymous said...
    I am so thankful you chose to start this blog. I am challenged daily by your choice to evaluate those things we were taught as Facts that are not necessarily so.

    I have tagged you for 6 random things about yourself. I hope you are able to join in and visit the other tagged sites as well.

    Have a blessed week!
    Your wife and little girl forever - beijos

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