"It is impossible to have religious freedom in any nation where churches are licensed by the government." Congressman George Hansen.

The courts well-understand that “a church is not an entity recognized in law,” meaning that they have no jurisdiction over the church. However, organizing a church as a church is an especially difficult concept for attorneys to grasp. The legal support for the State’s lack of jurisdiction over the church in America is not only the Word of God, but also our very own First Amendment to the Constitution for the United States. No church in any nation at any point in history can lay claim to the freedoms and liberties that are guaranteed the church in America. The First Amendment is an act of God’s Providence to safeguard His church and maintain its independence from the State.

The federal government's recognition of the rights and opportunities of the church in America, is not something that any other nation's government recognizes or in many cases, tolerates. If we believe that this by Godly design and not by random chance, then we will be vigilant to not just sing hyms sit in pews and tithe 10%, but to also get involved in all aspects of our spiritual lives. Giving 10%, 20%, 30% or even 100% merely builds bigger church groups and funds more programs. What is needed isn't bigger Churches groups or even a certain president; what is needed are people who retain their free and unhindered voice, value it, and are willing to die for using it if necessary. To do otherwise is merely the pomp and circumstance of a religious club.

Again, let us not be content with merely being actors in the play of our lives, but let us be directors in our Godly destinies. Let us not be distracted by the varying denominational and theological opinions on the likes of Chronicles of Narnia or the Davinci Code ad infinitum, while more pertinent issues fall by the way side. Let us put ourselves back where we belong: under God who needs no defending, indivisible, with freedom and justice for all. Let us put our government back in its place: keep tabs on what your elected officials are up to and let them know what you expect of them...and last but not least: Be aware.

[the End]


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