Cindy Crawford the super model, after being complemented by a reporter on her stunning good looks, responded...

"Even I don't wake up looking like Cindy Crawford."

But cosmetics pale in comparison to the persona(alitie)s, the masks, we wear.

We were not born with these masks we wear; they are an invention of the spirit of fear and we believe fear when it tells us that we were created imperfect and that we therefore need to hide our true selves in order to be accepted and even loved.

When we are accepted or loved because of who we pretend to be, it is really our mask that is accepted or loved, not Us.

Masks and the demon of fear do not come from God, and they are incompatible with His eternal Life.

We are made in the image of God; we are not a product of our heritage, or environment, or even our social or religious programming. But our heritage, environment, and our social and religious programming often become our masquerade.

When we embrace these Truths, the people who belong in our Life will embrace and Love us and all others will commune elsewhere.


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